Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mothers Day and Friday Giveaway!

Hey yall! It's me Christy! I know it's not officially Mother's Day.. but I wanted to wish you all wonderful Spark women out there.. Happy Mother's Day from me! I hope this weekend is Fabulous for you all :)

Today is Friday and that means a fun giveaway!

If you love online classes.. you are going to LOVE this! Today we are giving away a spot into my current online Mixed Media Workshop! The SHe Art Workshop! This is a such a fun workshop and you learn so many great techniques for creating backgrounds and textures on Canvas! plus learn how to make my "She Art Girls"!  Perfect for celebrating us as women! 

To get entered to win.. simply post on todays blog post and tell me what IS your favorite mother's day memory!? it can be about your mom, yourself, a friend.. grandma.. sister..
Can't wait to hear your stories!
Let's celebrate this awesome holiday weekend!

Happy Friday and Happy Mother's Day!



Pamela said...

My father was a single parent of 4 kids. I am the oldest..we celebrated mothers day with him every year. My fondness mothers day with him was the year we swipe the water bill..walked to town hall..paid it with our pennies, nickels and such (the teller was super patient with us..thank we put the receipt in his mothers day card...and he cried :) he never hid his happy tears from us. He's in heaven now but celebrated on mothers day anyway :) happy mothers day to all!

craftmomdawn said...

The Mother's Day that I think about was pretty recent. I was a new mom, it was second Mothers Day, my grandfather was in a care facility and my mom was planning to spend the day with him (as she did on all her days off). It was a beautiful day, first my husband, me and my daughter went to church, hung at Starbucks, went for a walk on the greenbelt then I packed up a picnic and went to the care facility. The had a beautiful courtyard where we set up the picnic, my grandpa was in very good spirits and my mom was in a pretty good, relaxed mood that day. My daughter was just walking so she was all over the place and so loving to my grandfather (her great grandfather), it was just a beautiful perfect day and I wouldnt have changed a thing. That was the last event we got to spend with my grandfather, he passed away shortly after. Every Mother's Day since, that is my first memory.

craftmomdawn said...

PS Pamela, I loved your story!!

Anonymous said...

For years my Mom and I attended a church tea with my Great Aunt. I didn't enjoy this when I was younger, but year after year we kept going to them, thinking that Aunt Ann was elderly and wouldn't have that many more Mother's Days.
Well, she lived to be almost 100 years old. Now I rememer those teas with such fond memories spent with two very special women whom I miss every day.

Margaret said...

Now that my Mom has passed, any Mother's Day I spent with her is a beautiful memory! Thanks for the lovely giveaway and Happy Mothers Day !

Barbara said...

My Mom has lived with us for almost 20 years and I have been taking care of her full time for about 8 years and I think everyday is a memory.
Happy Mother's Day to all!

wendy peatross said...

One year my little brother had made a pincushion at cub scouts for mother's day, but he knew my mom had lots of them all ready, so he gave it to me. Priceless!

Anonymous said...

OK, Pamela, your story made me cry! This didn't happen on Mother's Day, but just recently, my just-turned-6-year-old son (who is over 4 1/2' tall) climbed in my lap and told me that I'm his favorite person in the whole world and that he loves me the most of anyone in the world. As a single mom who works full time (and therefore feels a ton of guild all the time), those were the most magical words I could have ever heard.

McAtee Family said...

Well, I am pretty sure Pamela's story may be my new favorite Mother's Day story! As for me, my favorite Mother's Day memory is my first Mother's Day. My daughter was not quite two months old and we were at a family picnic. I can so clearly recall standing next to my own mother while holding my new little girl and I was so overwhelmed with love for my daughter. It suddenly dawned on me how my mom felt about me and how all those growing pains we had together growing up were really my mom trying to keep me safe because I was her little baby. Full circle moment in my life.

Anonymous said...

My favorite memnory...well I enjoy every Mother's Day. My kids are teens now and I think they are the very best kids. They always seem to leave notes and small hand made gifts on my pillow on Mother's Day, since they were about 6 yrs. old. This is a tradition with them. I keep every letter and poem that they write. Take photos of each item. It makes those days where it seems like those "groundhog day-s" (the movie)blending-one-day-into the next more berriable, and a tear falls down my cheek. I love my job- I get paid with hugs and kisses.<3

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lindsay said...

Mine is not nessasarily a specific memory,but something that happens every year. My favorite is every mothers day we get up and dressed in whatever I as the mom says, and go to church. Even when I was a little girl we always went to church, so now with our 4 and 5th child on her way my husband and I do the same thing. And right now we are currently blessed to live by both our parents so we have lunch with his mother and family and dinner with mine. I love seeing my kids celebrate with their "grand"mothers!

shauna said...

Some of my best Mother's Day memories have been participating in a local event..."Moms on the Run"- a local run/walk to support women with cancer- on Mothers Day. I started going to support a co-worker that was battling breast cancer and have continued to go in her honor/memory since she lost her battle several years ago. I look forward to it all year. :)

Michelle H. said...

My favorite mothers day event is when I was able to celebrate my 1st Mothers day when our daughter was 5 months old!!
It took 5 years and 5 surgeries to have our daughter!!
Happy Mothers day to each of you!!

Renee said...

I remember getting together at my Grandparents house with all of my extended family and just spending the day laughing, being together and eating, too! My Grandma was a great cook; she was also an awesome person!!

Happy Mother's Day!!

Lauren McAwesome said...

Not a mom yet, but yesterday my mother was over along with my sister and her adorable little boys. We all worked together to plant the front bed of my home. There was something magically about the 5 of us, muddy and tired, working together and enjoy a beautiful day. Happy Mother's Day to these two amazing moms!

eUnique said...

My Fondest Mother's Day memory is when I'd recieved their made Mother's Day cards, with early scribbles for words and misspelled words written with a few lowercase backward letters. To this day they are my favorite cards.

Natasha said...

When I was 8 or 9 my teacher asked us all to do cards for our mother's and decorate them with our own artwork. At the time there were carpets in the house and my mom was always cleaning them because I had a little brother who wasn't walking yet and spent most of his time crawling and being a little boy and making a mess with whatever snack he had. I was stuck because in my mind I thought my mother loved her vacuum, but I didn't know how to draw a vacuum so I drew a broom.
My poor mother upon opening her card was a little stunned and when I explained all she could do was laugh. Years later she took the card out and showed it to me. I didn't know how to draw a broom either.

Meg said...

One of my fav. Mother's day was when my young family owned and operated a flower shop. We spent 3 days {non-stop} together working and making flower arrangements, and delivering flowers to all the Mom's in town. We were exhausted, but we had fun being together!!!

Angelica said...

I love Mothers Day a day to relax remember my mother and spend time with my daughter.

Erin M said...

The last few years we have been going flower shopping at the local greenhouses with my mom, grandma & daughter. Never fails that my Grandma tells a stranger that there is 4 generations together--she is so proud of all of us!

Jennifer said...

My own mother is gone, but I fondly remember going out to brunch at the same place very year. We got dressed up and bought her a corsage. She loved it!

Dawn said...

I just love spending it with my Mom and kids!!!

isabel scrap said...

I remember a Mother day cooking and dancing with my sweet mother.

la zaz said...

My favorite Mother Day is when my little boy draw for me (4 years old)... my first Mother Day gift!

Chelsea said...

So many fun memories, by far my favorite is My first Mother's Day. My son was just a few weeks old and I just remember how tender and special that time was for me!

isa dona said...

I love to spend this special day with my mother, we go out for diner and go to cinema together (and with my sister too...)